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Steel fire protection coatings – layer structure

Steel fire protection coatings – layer structure

Fire protection coatings consist of up to three perfectly coordinated layers. The products that belong together in a fire protection system are specified in the respective approvals and permits.

1. Primer
The primer coating is mainly used for corrosion protection and as an adhesive primer for the layer forming the insulation layer.

2. Intumescent Coating
The intumescent represents the core of the coating system. In case of fire, the applied layer guarantees the long load-bearing capacity of the building component. The required layer thickness depends on the type and utilisation of the building components and on the required fire resistance time.

3. Top coat
The final top coat serves to colour and protect the intumescent against weathering and mechanical influences. On request, a two-layer system can be selected for interiors, in which the top coat is not required.

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